Saturday, 28 November 2020

RALF LÜDDEMANN I Tot ist der Hund ruft der Hase und bleibt zu Hause



Ralf Lüddemann, war for rain in end is no end, inkjet print, 76 x 192 cm

December 4, 2020 – January 23, 2021

Extended Exhibition Opening
Friday, December 4, 11 am – 8 pm
Saturday, December 5, 11 am – 8 pm
Sunday, December 6, 12 am – 6 pm

“Ralf and I have been working together for five years. Since falling ill with schizophrenia, he now lives a self-imposed “life of punishment” on Lanzarote. He spends his whole time building planetary offices and is responsible for holding the entire world. He is king, he can travel into the future and the past, but he’s caught in what he calls the FIX. I have conducted and recorded many conversations with him. In the last year, he has begun painting images with MSPaint; he refers to these as the “daily keys.” His approach is oriented, amongst other things, around the principle of painting by numbers, where he uses the pixel grid to interpret and justify past and future events.” 
(Email from Lukas Marxt to Delmes & Zander, 18.01.2018)

Ralf Lüddemann (*1964) lives in Salzgitter throughout his childhood and adolescence. In 1984 he learns the trade of an orthopaedic mechanic, which he practices for six years. In 1990 his career takes a different path when he qualifies as an assistant flying instructor, and two years later he begins working as a paragliding instructor. In 1995 he opens a school for hang gliding and paragliding in Goslar. Following a long stay in hospital, he is forced to shut the school in 2003. He moves to Lanzarote in 2004, where he still lives today. The first, coincidental encounter between Ralf Lüddemann and the artist Lukas Marxt comes in 2012. In the years that follow, an intensive exchange develops between the two, in the course of which they produce the film Ralfs Farben (Ralf’s Colours, DE/AT 2019, 74 min) together. Ralf Lüddemann has been creating digital images since 2017.

He is the first artist in Delmes & Zander’s programme with an exclusively digital body of work.

Wednesday, 18 November 2020

Bruno Schleinstein @Ebensperger


Bruno Schleinstein, Entwurf Nr. 3, 1997, mixed media on paper, 42 x 29.7 cm

Bruno Schleinstein is part of the group show 

Freedom & Independence at the Ebensperger Gallery


"John Bock, Jörg Buttgereit, Bonnie Camplin, Christeene, Lea Draeger, Tim Etchells, Heiner Franzen, Assaf Gruber, Yuki Jungesblut, Sandro Kopp, Bjørn Melhus, Otto Muehl, Hajnal Németh, Bruno Schleinstein et al.

The exhibition “Freedom & Independence” borrows its name from Bjørn Melhus’ eponymous film Freedom & Independence from 2014. It will use its title as both, a motto and a theme, while understanding ‘freedom’ and ‘independence’ as value and virtue. Being an ever evolving show works will be added to the exhibition over the course of its yet indefinite duration.

It is conceived with Mehlus’ film at its core: This experimental short questions the current global ideological paradigm shifts towards new forms of religious capitalism by confronting ideas and quotes of the self-proclaimed objectivist philosopher and novelist Ayn Rand with evangelical contents of US-American mainstream movies.

The exhibition will examine themes implied by the film and draw variations from other artists’ contributions. They will be juxtaposed with Freedom & Independence in and at its centre. The works will range from spacial to drawings, from photographs to paintings. The size of the premises allow extensive installations that might change over the course of the show's duration."

The gallery is open daily around the clock only by appointment. 

For more information click here