Wednesday 28 May 2014


HORST ADEMEIT at CCCB Centre de Cultura Contemporania de Barcelona

till 26th October 2014
CCCB Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona

Tuesday 27 May 2014

Blouinartinfo /// Berlin Gallery GALERIE SUSANNE ZANDER

George Widener, Iceberg (The 2nd), 2013, Courtesy Galerie Susanne Zander / Delmes & Zander

"IN THE AIR: Art News & Gossip" about the Berlin gallery in Blouin Artinfo

Cologne’s Galerie Susanne Zander has announced plans to open a new space in the Mitte district of Berlin at Rosa-Luxemburg-Straße 37. Primarily focused on Outsider Art, the gallery will open during Berlin Art Week this September with a show of works by George Widener, Karl Hans Janke, and Prophet Royal Robertson.

Owners Nicole Delmes and Susanne Zander will continue the gallery’s exploration of what they term “Conceptual Outsider Art” at the new Berlin location. As we learned recently at the gallery’s Independent art fair booth, such conceptual material is often found in archives uncovered by the gallery like pornographic drawings by William Crawford that were found in an abandoned house in Oakland, California.

“We know nothing about our artists except for what we see in the body of the work that we show,” gallery representative Monika Koencke told ARTINFO back in March. “We started with outsider art, but we are really interested in these borderline positions in art. Recently we’ve been more and more interested in what we call conceptual outsider, which is often connected to these archives.”

Ashton Cooper

Please find the complete article HERE!

Friday 23 May 2014

PRESS RELEASE Galerie Susanne Zander to open new space in Berlin in September 2014

Gallery owners Susanne Zander and Nicole Delmes

(German version below)
Galerie Susanne Zander to open new space in Berlin

Cologne, May 23, 2014 – Gallery owners Nicole Delmes and Susanne Zander will open a second gallery in Berlin in September 2014. The new Galerie Susanne Zander/ Berlin was designed by Kuehn Malvezzi Architects and is located in a landmark ensemble of the 1930s at Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz in the gallery quarters between the Volksbühne and the Babylon cinema.

In the 26 years of gallery activity in Cologne, Delmes and Zander were able to observe a steadily growing interest in Outsider Art. Outstanding exhibition series such as secret universe at Hamburger Bahnhof or Massimiliano Gioni’s Palazzo Enciclopedico at the 55th Venice Biennale in 2013 have contributed to the lively discussion concerning the positioning of Outsiders “inside” and “outside” the art system, in turn sparking off the attention of collectors, journalists, curators, and artists alike. In the light of these developments the decision to expand the gallery and to share the program with a broader public beyond Cologne seems enticing. Nicole Delmes and Susanne Zander look forward to this new venture with pleasant anticipation and curiosity.

The gallery’s program will continue to be consistent in its exploration of the borderline areas of art and the conceptual approaches of the so-called Outsiders. The Berlin gallery will parallel and complement the Cologne gallery with regular exhibitions in both locations. In recent years, Delmes and Zander have increasingly focused on the notion of “Conceptual Outsider Art" and have questioned conventional practices of curating, reception, production, and the historical contextualization of the singular artistic positions, which are termed “Outsider Art” but which often resort to the practiced strategies of contemporary art.

Nicole Delmes’ and Susanne Zander’s Berlin gallery opens with the exhibition Planning the Future on the occasion of the Berlin Art Week in September 2014. The works of George Widener, Karl Hans Janke, and Prophet Royal Robertson featured in this first show reflect the visionary concepts of a nearby future.

(German version below)
Die Galerie Susanne Zander eröffnet Räume in Berlin

Köln, 23. Mai 2014 - Die Galeristinnen Nicole Delmes und Susanne Zander eröffnen im September 2014 eine zweite Galerie in Berlin. Die von den Architekten Kuehn Malvezzi umgebauten Ausstellungsräume der Galerie Susanne Zander/ Berlin befinden sich in einem denkmalgeschützten Ensemble der 1930er Jahre im Galerienviertel am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz zwischen Volksbühne und Kino Babylon.

In 26 Jahren Galerietätigkeit in Köln konnten die Galeristinnen Delmes und Zander ein stetig wachsendes Interesse an Outsider Art beobachten. Herausragende Ausstellungsreihen wie secret universe im Hamburger Bahnhof oder Gionis Palazzo Enciclopedico auf der 55. Biennale in Venedig 2013 entfachten die aktuellen Diskussionen um die Positionierung der Outsider "innerhalb" und "außerhalb" des Kunstsystems und weckten die verstärkte Aufmerksamkeit von Sammlern, Journalisten, Kuratoren und Künstlern. Im Lichte dieser positiven Entwicklungen scheint die Entscheidung zu einer Erweiterung der Galerie naheliegend um das Galerieprogramm, neben dem Kölner Publikum, auch einer breiteren Öffentlichkeit zu präsentieren. Dem Sprung nach Berlin blicken die Galeristinnen mit Neugier und Vorfreude entgegen.

Das Programm der Galerie bleibt weiterhin konsequent und wird auch in Berlin, parallel und ergänzend zu der Galerie in Köln, die Grenzgebiete der Kunst erforschen und in regelmäßigen Ausstellungen die konzeptionellen Ansätze der sogenannten Outsider sichtbar machen. In den letzten Jahren setzen sich Delmes und Zander zunehmend mit dem Begriff der "Conceptual Outsider Art" auseinander und werfen mit ihrer Arbeit neue Fragen auf über herkömmliche Praktiken der Kuration, der Rezeption, der Produktion und der historischen Kontextualisierung von singulären künstlerischen Positionen, die zwar als "Outsider Kunst" bezeichnet werden aber dennoch den gängigen Strategien der zeitgenössischen Kunst gleichzusetzen sind.

Die Berliner Galerie von Susanne Zander und Nicole Delmes eröffnet mit der Ausstellung Planning The Future zur Berlin Art Week im September 2014. In den Arbeiten von George Widener, Karl Hans Janke und Prophet Royal Robertson spiegeln sich die visionären Entwürfe einer naheliegenden Zukunft wieder.

Press contact
Monika Koencke

Saturday 17 May 2014

OPENING /// First Art Brut Museum in Portugal

George Widener, untitled (cipher maps), 2013, mixed media on paper, 153 x 144 cm

Opening of the first Art Brut museum in Portugal on 1st June 2014

The Oliva Creative Factory Museum, close to Porto, opens its second floor to Richard Treger and Antonio Saint Silvestre art brut collection

The art of tormented geniuses: unique
exhibition in the Iberian Peninsula 

"The Oliva Creative Factory, in São João da Madeira, Portugal, welcomes more than 600 pieces from the “Treger/Saint Silvestre Collection”. This is an unparalleled collection in the Iberian Peninsula, where examples of Art Brut and Singular Art stand out, creations born of the tormented geniuses of marginal artists around the world, authors without any connections to the art world, many of them confined to psychiatric hospitals. The inaugural exhibition of these paintings, drawings, and sculptures will open on 31 May.
More than 600 pieces from the “Treger/Saint Silvestre Collection”, that used to be in France, are now an asset of the Oliva Creative Factory Núcleo de Arte, where they will begin public showing at the end of May. This will be the next major exhibition opening at these former industrial premises, now salvaged and renovated by the City of São João da Madeira, Portugal.
Including Art Brut and Contemporary Art (as well as Singular Art and Voodoo Art), this is a collection of international significance, unlike any other in the Iberian Peninsula, now housed at the Oliva Núcleo de Arte. Donated by collectors Richard Treger (musician from Zimbabwe, of Irish nationality) and António Saint Silvestre (Portuguese-French Singular Art sculptor), who have divided their lives between Paris and Lisbon.

In the country of Miguel Bombarda
For 40 years – 20 of which dedicated to their gallery in Saint-Germain-des-Prés, in Paris –, they have collected pieces by creators of the so-called “marginal arts” and other authors whose works are close to that artistic genre, amassing a very important collection that they have made sure to become accessible to the general public in Portugal, where doctor Miguel Bombarda (1851-1910), one of the first people in the world to preserve and catalog the creations of psychiatric patients, was born.
“We didn´t want to keep these works as an investment or for the exclusive pleasure of a limited audience. We wanted that everyone could be able to see them”, explains Richard Treger, revealing that the Oliva Creative Factory premises – a former factory – have all the characteristics they were looking for. “This space is amazing and has enormous potential”, stresses António Saint Silvestre.

A parallel world teeming with treasure
Art Brut and Singular Art are “art movements that are raging through the art world at the moment, in Europe and in the United States”, says Richard Treger, adding that the collection also includes “contemporary artists of international significance, absent from collections in Portugal”, as well as Haitian artists, “inspired by voodoo religion”.

“Outsider Art is created by people living in a parallel world, who have psychiatric problems and who don’t consider themselves artists”, describes António Saint Silvestre, reinforcing that this marginal art, which shies away from popular movements, is being more and more valued internationally, and it has its own specialized magazine, “Raw Vision”. In its most recent edition (Spring 2014), there are even six pages dedicated to the “Treger/Saint Silvestre Collection” and its “new home” at the Oliva Núcleo de Arte.
French art dealer, curator and lecturer Christian Berst is the curator of the Art Brut exhibition opening in 31 May at the Oliva Creative Factory. “These works are like a treasure, and in order to find it you need to have the soul of an explorer, a gold digger. Discovering, preserving and collecting Outsider Art is probably the last great art adventure of the XXI century” – says Berst, one of the greatest experts in Art Brut in the world." (...) www.

Tuesday 13 May 2014


HIPKISS, Yes But No But, 2014, mixed media on paper, 59 x 118 cm


at Galerie Gugging
Opening May 14th, 2014, 7pm
Duration: May 15th to June 8th, 2014

Apocalyptic landscapes and fantastic images of plants – in this yearʼs Spring Exhibition the galerie gugging proudly presents works by Chris Hipkiss and Anna Zemánková.

Chris Hipkissʼ (*1964) visionary drawings open up lugubrious landscape scenarios: vegetation and utopian architecture interspersed with puppet-like figures or insects resembling cockroaches. Chris Hipkiss, whose pictures bespeak an interest in politics, music and comedy, is a pseudonym for the artistic couple Chris and Alpha Manson.

The Czech artist Anna Zemánková (1908-1986) depicts nature as an arena of mental states. Her fantastic plants, composed of arabesques, geometrical shapes and organic formations, appear to be hovering or dancing on the sheet. They were on show at the Biennale in Venice last year.

Wednesday 7 May 2014

/// HORST ADEMEIT at CCCB, Barcelona ///

HORST ADEMEIT, untitled, inscribed polaroid, 11 x 9 cm, Courtesy Galerie Susanne Zander / Delmes & Zander


From May 9 to 26 October 2014
CCCB Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona

"Is data the new oil, a potentially boundless source of wealth? Is it the ammunition for arms of mass surveillance? Or should it be primarily an opportunity, an instrument for knowledge, prevention, efficiency and transparency, a tool to help construct a more transparent, participatory democracy?

Big Bang Data explores the phenomenon of the information explosion we are currently experiencing.The last five years have seen the emergence of a generalized awareness among academic and scientific sectors, government agencies, businesses and culture that generating, processing and above all interpreting data is radically transforming our society.

We all generate data, with our mobile phones, sensors, social networks, digital photographs and videos, purchase transactions and GPS signals. What is new is that it is increasingly easy to store and process these vast quantities of data that detect patterns (of incidents, behaviour, consumption, voting, investment, etc.). This fact is very quickly and completely changing the way decisions are made at all levels. (...)"

BLALLA W. HALLMANN im Museum Sammlung Prinzhorn, Heidelberg

Plakat "Egodokumente des Wahnsinn" Museum Sammlung Prinzhorn

"Egodokumente des Wahnsinns"
Blalla W. Hallmann
und Künstler der Sammlung Prinzhorn

15. Mai - 17. August 2014

"Die Ausstellung zeigt in repräsentativer Auswahl die Lebensrückschau Blalla –Curriculum vitae Wolfgang Ewald Hallmann (1995). Sie ist zwei Jahre vor dem Tod des Künstlers Hallmann, genannt Blalla (1941-1997), als Linolschnitt-Folge entstanden. In Bildern und kommentierenden Texten resümiert Blalla seine persönlichen und künstlerischen Lebensstationen. Mit erstaunlicher Offenheit gewährt er uns Einblicke in seine Kindheit und Jugend, berichtet vom Ausbruch seiner Psychose und den darauffolgenden Selbsttötungsversuchen. Das Album seines Lebens erzählt von seinen Abstürzen und Existenznöten, von seinen künstlerischen Erfolgen, von Freundschaften, Liebes- und Sexaffären. Blallas Lebensschilderung wirkt ironisch und trotz durchlebter Leidenszeiten erstaunlich undramatisch. Doch ist der Tod ein ständiger Begleiter. Als Motiv taucht er auch in seinen Gemälden auf, die ebenfalls in Auswahl gezeigt werden.
Blallas Lebensreportage wird durch Egodokumente aus der Sammlung Prinzhorn ergänzt: Selbstverfasste oder illustrierte Lebensläufe, Selbstporträts, Innenansichten, persönliche Berichte und Szenen aus dem Leben künden vom subjektiven, selbstvergewissernden Blick historischer Anstaltsinsassen auf ihre Person und ihr Schicksal. Es sind Versuche der Ordnung, der neuerlichen Aneignung eines außer Kontrolle geratenen Selbst" (...)

Saturday 3 May 2014

REMINDER /// Foma Jaremtschuk at Museum Dr. Guislain

FOMA JAREMTSCHUK, untitled, ink on paper, 26,9 x 34,4 cm, Courtesy Galerie Susanne Zander / Delmes & Zander


"Oorlog & Trauma"
till June 30th, 2014

Review on
Oorlog & trauma - Over soldaten, ambulances en psychiaters

Het In Flanders Fields Museum in Ieper en het Museum Dr. Guislain in Gent hebben de handen in elkaar geslagen om de medische en psychologische gevolgen van de Eerste Wereldoorlog en bij uitbreiding van alle oorlogen in kaart te brengen

September 1914 - Op de Parijse boulevards verzamelen zich soldaten die naar het front vertrekken. De sfeer is uitgelaten. Ze zullen die boches wel even een fikse bolwassing geven en die oorlog zal snel afgelopen zijn. Wat als een soort scoutsuitstap begint, blijkt echter al snel een nachtmerrie van zeer lange duur te worden. Niet voor niets spreekt men nu nog altijd van de groote oorlog.
Een aantal Franse divisies vertrekken in opgeëiste taxi's, maar op de slagvelden is er aanvankelijk bijna geen enkele gemotoriseerde ambulance te bespeuren. De doden en gewonden - en dat zijn er vanaf de eerste dagen massaal veel - worden in de grootste chaos op paardenkarren afgevoerd. Het is opvallend dat men enorme moeite heeft gedaan om de technologie van de oorlogsvoering te perfectioneren - vandaar ook het groot aantal slachtoffers - maar dat men geen moment had stil gestaan bij de medische afwikkeling van het conflict. In 1914 was er voor elke duizend Britse soldaten welgeteld één arts! (...)

Read the complete article HERE