Tuesday 4 December 2018

New documentary on André Robillard by Henri-François Imbert

"Andre Robillard, en compagnie" (2018) by Henri-François Imbert, 1:32 min

The documentary "André Robillard, en Compagnie" by Henri-François Imbert was released in november and will be presented in Paris on december 5, 2018

"In 1964, André Robillard began making rifles with salvaged materials collected at random from his walks in the psychiatric hospital where he lived. Today, at 87, André is still in the hospital where he entered at the age of nine 78 years ago. In the meantime, he became an internationally recognized artist in the field of Art Brut, but also a musician and actor in a show inspired by his life. We follow him on his travels, and along the way, we come across the history of institutional psychotherapy, whose revolution of the glance on madness, carried out in the aftermath of the Second World War, is not foreign to the discovery and the story of André Robillard."

For more information click here: