Saturday, 27 September 2014

WESLEY WILLIS in "Architecture by Line" at ARCHIZOOM / EDPL, Lausanne

WESLEY WILLIS, Chigago, III. Skyline, approx. 1982, mixed media o cardboard, Courtesy Galerie Susanne Zander / Delmes & Zander

"Architecture by Line"

25.9. - 29.11.2014

"Drawing is the perfect medium to shape and express ideas and viewpoints on architecture without using words. Lines come together to make forms, which in turn become coherent images that enable the viewer to grasp even the most complex intentions and meanings.

The American artist Saul Steinberg (1914-1999), well known for his long collaboration with The New Yorker, considered himself to be a ‘writer who draws’. A ‘speechless writer’ perhaps, but one who had a great deal to say about the buildings and cityscapes that came under the scrutiny of his critical eye. In this sense, he was a forerunner of postmodernism, and although he did not write essays many theorists of architecture see him as an important critic of design and construction.
Architecture by Line weaves links between Steinberg’s two-dimensional oeuvre and architecture. Included also will be works by a selection of international artists, who do not necessarily share any filiation with him but who, by their use of drawing, question the way people see and inhabit the places that architects design.

The exhibition shows how visual impressions captured by artists may anticipate architectural thought, and even short circuit it. In doing so it poses a vital question: is art the vehicle by which architecture is set free?" (...)

Friday, 26 September 2014

CHRIS HIPKISS "For Us My Cuts" in der STADTREVUE (10/2014)

CHRIS HIPKISS, "Ausgang", mixed media on paper, 2013, Courtesy Galerie Susanne Zander / Delmes & Zander
Stadtrevue (10/2014), S.49.

in der aktuellen Ausgabe der Stadtrevue (10/2014)
Text: Kathrin Ann Bender

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Type 42 (Anonymous) @ PULP #3, Autonm 2014

PULP #3, Automne 2014, p.1, 48-49.

Type 42 (Anonymous) @ PULP #3

Read the complete article "Passion Secrete" written by Céline Delavaux in the current edition of PULP!

Saturday, 20 September 2014

/// Short Film about Prophet Royal Robertson ///

"Planning the Future"
17. September - 1. November 2014
Delmes & Zander, Berlin

PROPHET ROYAL ROBERTSON'S (1930-1997) rant-repertoire includes biblical prophesies, numerical formulas, and visions of dream houses and space travel merging such disparate themes as messianic eschatology, futurism and science fiction. Many of this works include calendars chronicling memories of his allegedly unfaithful ex-wife Adell and their destroyed marriage in brief journal notations scribbled in each date's block. A preoccupation with numerology and biblical prophecies of earth's final days as found in the book of Revelation is pervasive.

This excerpt from the feature documentary MAKE is the introduction of the character Prophet Royal Robertson.

"Planning the Future" auf ART

Prophet Royal Robertson, THE DAY THE WORLD END, 1990s, ink marker and enamel on cardboard, Corutesy Galerie Susanne Zander / Delmes & Zander

Delmes & Zander I Berlin 
in "Achtung Kunst! Bilder der Woche" auf ART:

Zurück in die Zukunft: Drei außergewöhnliche künstlerische Positionen präsentiert die Galerie Susanne Zander jetzt in ihren neuen Berliner Räumen. Viele Arbeiten der "Outsider-Artists" Karl Hans Janke, George Widener und Prophet Royal Robertson zeichnen sich durch visionäre Stadt- und Raumfahrtvisionen aus. Die Schau "Planning the Future" zeigt bis zum 1. November, wie sich die drei Künstler, abseits der gängigen wissenschaftlichen Modelle, mit ihrer Vorstellung von der Zukunft auseinandergesetzt haben.

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Günter K.s "Margret - Chronik einer Affäre" /// MARRES, Maastricht

Günter K.s "Margret", untitled, Vintage Print, 1970/08/21 - 1970/08/31, 9 x 13 cm, Courtesy Galerie Susanne Zander / Delmes & Zander

Günter K. Margret - Chronik einer Affäre at Marres, Maastricht

The Unwritten

"The Unwritten explores possible histories. It documents personal, and reconfigures collective stories by adding silent episodes, surprising prequels of what we know to have become official history. With works by Adela Babanova, Zachary Formwalt, Annie Kevans, Gert Jan Kocken, Carlos Motta, Óscar Muñoz, Song Ta, Koki Tanaka, and Günter K.‘s ‘Margret’ collection.

Concealed murder, suppressed love, tarnished innocence, and frustrated ideals inform the material for a series of profound, amusing, sad, and compelling histories by Adela Babanova, Zachary Formwalt, Annie Kevans, Gert Jan Kocken, Carlos Motta, Óscar Muñoz, Song Ta, Koki Tanaka and Günter K.‘s ‘Margret’ collection.

Sometimes we wish that we had written history differently. Or had left it unwritten because the perspective was one-sided, unjust or brutal. We wish to undo that history because it provides a perspective that we no longer accept or that we even loathe. At other times, our new sensitivities uncover histories that have never been told because they were considered unimportant, forgotten, unfinished or overtaken by other perspectives.

The Unwritten is dedicated to these forgotten stories. Histories that strongly appeal to our imagination and empathy. We feel nostalgia for a lost world, anger at injustices, euphoria with the correction of those injustices, dismay at a wrong turn and relief at a right one. They are all emotional and sometimes even sensory experiences caused by the unexpected turn that history sometimes takes and the way it has erased other stories."

House for Contemporary Culture
Capucijnenstraat 98
6211 RT Maastricht

Thursday, 11 September 2014

"Planning the Future" at Delmes & Zander, Berlin

Prophet Royal Robertson, STUPIT MRS ADEL, 1990s, ink marker enamel and
paint on cardboard, 71 x 56 cm. Courtesy Delmes & Zander, Berlin + Köln

Delmes & Zander I Berlin presents

Planning The Future:
Karl Hans Janke - Prophet Royal Robertson - George Widener

17. September - 1. November 2014
Opening: Wednesday, 17.09., 6 – 10 pm

With “Planning The Future” Galerie Susanne Zander opens its Berlin space Delmes & Zander to the public for the first time and will feature a selection of works by three artists – Karl Hans Janke, Prophet Royal Robertson and George Widener - whose long-term visions have propelled them to revisit and re-imagine larger systems of knowledge. All three positions are eccentric and inspiring, and ingeniously depart from accepted ways of thinking in order to re-imagine the rules of culture and science. All three individuals develop their ideas and practices outside of official institutions and established disciplines. Whether by means of visionary engineering, calendrical equations, utopian architectural blueprints or space travel designs, the undertaking of all three artists is obsessive, elaborate, pseudo-empirical and an ambitious attempt to define and redefine the future.

Karl Hans Janke's (1909 – 1988) works, only discovered after the iron curtain came down, show visions of inter-galactic travel, diagrams of the cosmos and of the origins of life: all his inventions and ideas were, in his own words, "for the benefit of humanity and aimed toward propagating peace." From within the seclusion of a psychiatric hospital in East Germany, where he lived in since the 1950's, he produced more than 4,500 drawings of various technological inventions, chief among which were fantastic flying machines and propulsion mechanisms rendered in exquisitely detailed technical sketches.

Prophet Royal Robertson's (1930-1997) rant-repertoire includes biblical prophesies, numerical formulas, and visions of dream houses and space travel merging such disparate themes as messianic eschatology, futurism and science fiction. Many of this works include calendars chronicling memories of his allegedly unfaithful ex-wife Adell and their destroyed marriage in brief journal notations scribbled in each date's block. A preoccupation with numerology and biblical prophecies of earth's final days as found in the book of Revelation is pervasive.

George Widener (*1962), a calendar-calculating savant since childhood, uses his extraordinary mathematical and calculating capability to embed complex mathematical puzzles or calendrical equation into his drawings. Numbers are also applied to urbanism and are fundamental to his "Megalopolises" - Widener's imaginary cities. Widener was last shown in Berlin at the "secret universe" series at the Hamburger Bahnhof in 2013.

George Widener will be present at the opening in Berlin.

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

CHRIS HIPKISS "For Us My Cuts" auf

Chris Hipkiss, fail..., 2013, 20 x 13cm, mixed media on paper, Courtesy Galerie Susanne zander / Delmes & Zander

in einem Artikel von Swantje Karich (7.9.14)

Die Herbstsaison beginnt 
Die Diktatur der Kunst geht weiter

"In Düsseldorf und Köln eröffnen die Galerien, und mittendrin erklärt Jonathan Meese malend den Parsifal – und viele andere Absonderlichkeiten. (...)

Susanne Zander, die seit kurzem unter Delmes & Zander firmiert, eröffnet in zwei Wochen eine zweite Galerie in Berlin, doch wird sie ihre Räume in Köln behalten. Ihr Spezialgebiet der Outsider Art hat in den vergangenen Jahren stark an Aufmerksamkeit gewonnen, doch bleibt der spekulative Käufer trotzdem fern. Denn die Arbeiten sind oft nicht signiert, sperren sich gegen die Instrumente des Marktes. Und das macht die Ausstellungen so besonders. Die kleinteiligen Zeichnungen von Chris Hipkiss (Alpha und Chris Mason) wirken wie Spielkarten aus einer spiritistischen Sitzung, doch die Motive deklinieren Natur- und Stadtformen durch oder zeigen das Periodensystem in unzähligen Selbstporträts. (Preise von 1050 bis 15.000 Euro.)"

Lesen Sie den gesamten Artikel HIER

Thursday, 4 September 2014

CHRIS HIPKISS "For Us My Cuts" /// FAZ

CHRIS HIPKISS, "Cho Powered C2", 2013, mixed media on paper, 20 x 13cm, Courtesy Galerie Susanne Zander / Delmes & Zander

"For Us My Cuts"
 5. September - 21. November 2014

"Das Künstlerduo Alpha und Chris Mason, beide 1964 geboren, nenen sich Chris Hipkiss. „Cho Powered C2“ ist zur DC Open in der Kölner Dependance von Susanne Zander zu sehen."

Swantje Karich auf (erschienen am 29.8.14)
Lesen Sie den gesamten Artikel hier!