Monday 10 June 2013

GEORGE WIDENER at Hayward Gallery, London

GEORGE WIDENER, "Magic Sqare (Robot Game)" 2011, 122 x 122 cm, mixed media on canvas, Courtesy Galerie Susanne Zander

"The Alternative Guide to the Universe"

Hayward Gallery - Southbank Center
11 June - 26 August 2013

"The Alternative Guide to the Universe explores the work of self-taught artists and architects, fringe physicists and visionary inventors, all of whom offer bracingly unorthodox perspectives on the world we live in. Inspiringly original and bracingly eccentric, their work re-imagines our social and cultural conventions in ways that fearlessly depart from accepted ways of thinking.

Contributors to the exhibition explore fictional identities and design imaginary cities; they build healing machines and record the unseen energy flows of our bodies. They speculate on mysteries of time and space; create devices for time travel and communication with other dimensions; and fashion new letter forms designed to liberate the alphabet from the strictures of Western civilization.
Taken together, their work conjures a kind of a parallel universe where ingenuity and inventiveness trump common sense and received wisdom.

Alternative Guide to the Universe features special guest star The Museum of Everything in the Hayward Gallery Project Space - that world-famous wandering space for unintentional, untrained, undiscovered, unclassifiable, unknowable, undeniable and unforgettable artists of modern times ... like legendary rock god Nek Chand Saini, the esteemed creator of the world's greatest art environment."

For more informations click here

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